Even In His Youth: A Tribute to Nirvana

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Song Author(s):

  Kurt Cobain

Recording Session(s):
  1987/1988 - 4 track demos

  No Official Nirvana Release

Working Titles and/or Mislabels :
  Beans & Wine

Writing Period:

Song Notes:
A 'weird quirky song' done on acoustic guitar that Sub Pop thought was retarded. Recorded on a 4-track recorder. Apprently Kurt used a pitch shifter to achieve the effects.
Many claim that circulating versions are fake, but apparently Dale Crover have confirmed it to be real. Claimed to be recorded with Montage of heck by some. Also some claim that this one appears on the "Fecal Matter"-demo tape, but this is probably not true. Supposedly it was recorded in late '88 with Bambi Slaughter and Clean up before she comes.

Song Lyrics:
Beans, beans, beans
Daddy (Jackie? / Daffy?) ate some beans
He was happy, happy, happy
Then he ate some beans

Naked, naked, naked
Sitting cross-legged
Naked, naked, naked
And he was happy, happy, happy
Then he ate some beans

Wine, wine, wine
Daddy (Jackie? / Daffy?) had (ate?) some wine
He was happy, happy, happy
And he ate some wine

Beans, beans, beans
Daddy ate some beans
And he drank some wine
And he was happy, happy, happy
As he drank some beans